Hey Y'all, the Dopey's are on blog duty now! We started the day bright and early at 5:10am. We got to sleep in an air conditioned gym last night so we were sleeping GOOD. Once we were up and at 'em we were on our way to the Carlsbad Caverns.
Starting the day off with some FUEL!
and a few naps before our hike!
Everyone was getting some extra shut eye...
The good people at the Love's Gas Station let us use the bathrooms, talked with us about our adventures, and even let us utilize their maps! We even made THE OFFICIAL LOVE'S BLOG - and they made ours!
Showing our love to Love's! The workers loved us and wished us well for the rest of our adventures over the Love's intercom! The INTERCOM!!!!
They even came outside to take our picture!
After a good morning on the road, we finally arrived to our destination - CARLSBAD CAVERNS! We are so ready to go for a walk after a few long driving days. Let's go into the cavern!
We were all surprised by the New Mexico climate, as you may see almost all of us were in sweatshirts. Our counselors said that this place is always hot, so yay us!
Our groups posed by the vista!!!!! Just take a look at everyone!
The Dopey's (us!) hey yall hey!
The Sneezy's!
The Happy's!
The Bashful's!
The Grumpy's
The Sleepy's
NOW....TIME TO GO IN!!!!!!!
Posing for a picture in the cool museum before heading down into the caverns.
Our first glimpse.... there were so many birds flying around as we entered which was very surprising to us!
Getting deeper and deeper...
We had to split into 10 different groups down into the caverns and we made some new friends along we way. Some groups were even led by TWB campers.
The entrance to the cavern - look how amazing!
It got so much darker as we got deeper, we even had to use the handrails to guide us. It was steep!
Another photo pit stop
Although you cannot see in this photo, the caverns were beautiful inside. We all had to turn the flash on our cameras on to get good pictures.
Posing with the stalagmites!
Halfway down!
At the end we got to take individual and group pictures that we can't wait to come home and show all of our loved ones.
Anddddd we even had a little fun in the gift shop!
A lot of us were able to buy some postcards to send home and stickers to add to our water bottles.
After leaving the caverns the bus had "Tea with Maddi and Ash" learning about a few (interesting) nursing skills! Also, they told us lots...and lots...of alien jokes while riding through Area 51. WE DID NOT HAVE AN ALIEN SPOTTING.
The bus ride was so much fun! We all were making friendship bracelets and opening up to each other so much more.
Walmart time! Love those hats ladies!
Our 4th group Walmart trip... this Walmart was a good one! We rated it a 7/10 - there's always room for improvement!
We made it to New Mexico Military Academy and the Colonel came to speak to us. He answered all of our questions about the campus and the cadets experience here. This was so cool to learn about!
We love Colonel and the sunset. It was so beautiful to see in person.
Exploring a little bit of the barracks!
As we started to get settled, the clouds were rolling in. Instead of being reactive, we were PROACTIVE and started to set up shop for the night. No rained on children over here!
So thankful for all of our boy and girl scouts that helped us set up tents quickly.
The cooks whipping us up some dinner during a brewing storm. They rock!
Now, SUPPER TIME! We have had a fun filled, busy day today. We are excited for our next adventures tomorrow as we head to the Petrified Forest and Grand Caynon.