Day 19- Colorado: Olympic and Paralympic Museum

Day 19: Colorado - Air Force Academy

After a long morning on the road, we finally made it to the Air Force Academy. Some went shopping! Then we were able to follow a cadet around for a tour. She was a past TWB participant!

After the Air Force Academy, we drove through the Garden of the Gods and then we landed at the park!

Trust fall!

"Mitchell Crust Find!"

Grumpy Dance Competition

And the winners of the dance competition ARE.....THE BASHFUL'S!!!!!!!!

Before the dance competition the staff served us PIZZA! Oh my goodness it was Dominos HEAVEN. After that, we had just a few more minutes to touch up our dancing skills and the party got started. After all six groups went, the staff said they were going out to count up the results. To our surprise, they came back in dressed and did their own dance!!!! It was so fun. The Bashful's took home the win for the night and they were so excited. Now it is time to bed down and get some rest for our drive through Kansas tomorrow. Talk to you later!